Advent is for adoring Jesus These 25 brief devotional readings from John Piper begin on December 1 and carry us to Christmas Day. Our prayer is that God would use these readings to deepen and sweeten your adoration of jesus this December and keep his as the center and greatest treasure of your Christmas season.
"Add four songs to your Christmas playlist this year. Songs that take you to the heart of Christmas. Songs that can change your life, transform your future, and cause your heart to sing." (Back Cover)
"These Advent devotions from the pen of John Piper may be brief, but you will find in them the depth and richness of thought that Piper is well-known for. With a sense of joyful reverence, he holds us by the hand and takes us into the inner sanctuary of the incarnation." -Conrad Mbewe
"Before the dawn of time God made a plan...a plan to love and a plan to save and a plan that would get the world ready for the greatest rescue ever made."