"In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of If There's a God, Why are There Atheists?, R.C. Sproul examines the arguments of four prominent atheists: Freud, Marx, Feuerbach, and Nietzsche. Engaging with these thinkers' works on a psychological as well as theological basis, Sproul shows that there are as many psychological and sociological explanations for unbelief as for belief- and that…
"Complete with questions for review and thoughts for reflection at the end of each section, this thorough, insightful, yet concise study on the important and controversial subject of women in the church will serve as an excellent resource for personal or group study." (Back Cover)
"Social justice is one of the most devious and destructive movements the Church has faced in the last hundred years. Voddie Baucham, like a capable doctore, diagnoses the problem and in a skillful manner directs his readers to the biblical solution." -Josh Buice
These are Spurgeon's prayers taken down as he prayed them. You can learn a lot about how to pray by studying their structure and content. Each short prayer shows you the knowledge of the Bible he had and his understanding of human needs. -From the Back Cover
"Worship can mean many things to many people. Even the church cannot seem to agree on how worship should look....Yet while we often take our cues from pop culture or church history, the true nature of worship is found in God's Word." (Back Cover)
"This is a book for those of us who are ready to take holiness seriously, ready to be more like Jesus, ready to live in light of the grace that produces godliness. This is a book about God's power to help us grow in personal holiness and to enjoy the process of transformation." (From the Back Cover)
"Because we were created in the image of God, to understand who we are, we need to understand who God is and allow His character and nature to be reflected through us. We are here to serve and adore Him, and we can only fulfill that role by acknowledging who He is. The is the essence of the Christian life…
"[Sproul] carefully explores the relationship between original sin and human free will, clarifies misconceptions about the work of God in a believer's liberation from sin, illuminates the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation, and offers compelling reasons to believe the work of salvation is in God's hands." (From the Back Cover)
"First published nearly thirty years ago, this book on the theme of hliness has become a modern classic of Christian devotion. J.I. Packer was a master of spiritual theology, and his enduring wisdome shines through in this treasured volume." Timothy George
"These Advent devotions from the pen of John Piper may be brief, but you will find in them the depth and richness of thought that Piper is well-known for. With a sense of joyful reverence, he holds us by the hand and takes us into the inner sanctuary of the incarnation." -Conrad Mbewe
"In Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors, Voddie Baucham shows us the crucial role that the story of Joseph plays in redemptive histoyr. Engaging and thoughtful, this book will help you read the Bible from a Christ'centered perspective and revitalize your love for God-the true hero of history." (From the Back Cover)
"In this book, pastor John MacArthur takes us through the pages of Scripture, exploring the wonders of heaven and the truth about angels and eternal life while addressing current debates and issues....an in-depth look at every Christian's future-heaven, our eternal home." (from the back cover)
"Here John turns to our greates spiritual mentor, Jesus Christ, as he takes an intimate, in-depth look at the Lord's Prayer. filled with fresh insights and practical tools for growth, Alone with God will help you rediscover the power and passion found in time spent with God." (from the back cover)
"With captivating stories - beginning with his son's cancer diagnosis - Costi unpacks our questions about God's healing power and explains how to: -Pray for healing while submitting to God's sovereignty -Navigate tough conversations about suffering -Hold on to faith even in the most painful trials (From the Back Cover)
"On Asking God Why offers honest insights into many of today's most prevalent heartaches, including sickness and death, family issues and loneliness, aging and hopelessness. Chapter by chapter, this insightful book will remind you that God invites his children to lay ur questions before him-because in him we will find every answer we need." (from the back cover)