"How Should We View Our Children in the Church, by Joel Beeke, is a brief and concise exposition of a paedobaptist and Reformed perspectiv eof children and the covenant." - Derek W. H. Thomas
Here are theological reflections and real stories from women from across the world who are eagerly sharing the good news of Jesus wherever God has placed them- showing us just how possible it is to follow Jesus' call to evangelism in our ordinary, everyday lives.
Exploring how the sixteenth-century Reformation was a return to the gospel joy originally preached to first-century Galatia, this book was written to help today's Christians rediscover the path to true freedom and lasting joy in Jesus.
With his trademark insights and energy, Keller offers biblical guidance as well as specific prayers for certain situations, such as dealing with grief, loss, love, and forgiveness. He discusses ways to make prayers more personal and powerful and how to establish a practice of prayer that works for each reader.
For over thirty years, J.I. Packer's classic has revealed to over a million Christians around the world the wonder, the glory and the joy of knowing God. Now more than ever, next to Scripture, this could be the most significant book you will read this year...or next.
This booklet, taken from a series of sermons on Psalm 51:1-7, confronts the grim reality that our children are shaped in iniquity and conceived in sin. With pastoral care and compassion, Arthur Hildersham counsels Christian parents to pray that the corrupt nature they have conveyed to their children will be healed and that the Holy Spirit would work saving grace…
In this important work, Burroughs shows from Scripture the great sin of thinking as the world thinks rather than thinking God's thoughts after Him. Then, realizing that right conduct is the result of right thinking, Burroughs gives us more gems in the two bonus treatises offered here, A Heavenly Conversation and Walking with God.
On the surface, it seems unnecssary to instruct someone to be content in times of prosperrity. However, times of prosperity and abundance provide some of the strongest temptations to pull our hearts away from God. Jeremiah Burroughs was keenly aware that the riches of this world compete for our affections and challenge our contentment in Christ.
Read this book prayerfully, thoughtfully, and expectantly, keeping in mind Swinnock's simple conviction that "when we take the incomparable God as our God, we are incomparably blessed."
In this book, George Swinnock presents modern readers with valuable food for thought as he expounds Psalm 73:25, "My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever." Swinnock combines careful explanation with vivid illustration to reveal the futility of earthly comforts and highlight the inestimable comfort, satisfaction, and joy afforded…
In this book, Anthony Burgess shows that Christians not only can come to an assurance of their salvation but should pursue it. Burgess provides helpful advice for avoiding a presumptuous spirit while developing a humble confidence in grace.
In Rules for Walking in Fellowship, John Owen supplies struggling congregations with biblical guidelines fo rmaking church life in the present a foretaste of heavenly fellowship to come.
This practical book will help you avoid making excuses for sinful fear and encourage you to trust in Christ's commitment to settle His people's feeble and trembling hearts.
An 8-week workbook for withstanding the greatest pressure young women have ever faced...Learn how to protect yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually- and how to get your need for love met in positive, healthy ways that leave you truly satisfied- with the Every Young Woman's Battle Workbook.
O Lord of the waters that run in our dry places like a river, O Comforter of all our waste places, dear Lord of the still waters too, we drink, and we are satisfied. -Excerpt, Amy Carmichael
124 A GRACIOUS RAIN The son said, I should be stedfast and victorious; but the house of my soul is not always so with Thee. His Father said, Though thy house be not always so with Me, yet I have made with thee an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure. Though thy feelings may be changeful as the…
Today's world pressures girls to act older than they are when they're not ready for it. How can you help your tween daughter navigate the stormy waters of boy-craziness, modesty, boy image, media, Internet safety, and more?
“Worship matters. It matters to God because he is the one ultimately worthy of all worship. It matters to us because worshipping God is the reason for which we were created. And it matters to every wrship leader, because we have no greater privilege than leading others to encounter the greatness of God. That’s why it’s so important to think…
The classic work on fostering an authentic Christian community....Life Together is bread for all who are hungry for the real life of Christian fellowship.
"Over the past twenty years J.I. Packer's classic has revealed to over a million Christians around the world the wonder, the glory and the joy of knowing God.
Here are classic devotions, based on the Bible, for every day of the year, with ten devotions for special days and church festivals. Each meditation brings the light of God's Word to our lives today.
Therough his compelling account, you'll encounter the mind-stretching discoveries from cosmology, cellular biology, DNA research, astronomy, physics, and human consciousness that present astonishing evidence in The Case for a Creator.
Following Jesus is not a race to see who can be the most radical, sacrificial, knowledgeable, or burnt out for Jesus. It's simply doing whatever he calls us to do, whether it's radical and crazy or simple and mundane.
Filled with practical ideas and self-evaluation tools, Father Hunger encourages and challenges men to "embrace the high calling of fatherhood" and become the dads that their families and our culture so desperately needs them to be.
With the Bible as his guide, Hallesby points the way out of despair and depression to a place of security "Under His Wings," protected by the power of God. A book of hope and comfort for everyone!
"As you take God's Word and apply its eternal principles to the everyday issues you face with your family, you will begin to create a godly heritage- a legacy that will impact the generations to come in ways you never dreamed possible." Ken Ham
No stranger to adversity, Joni Eareckson Tada offers daily inspiration that shows you the remarkable in the midst of the impossible. Her thoughtful insights and gentle wisdom will nourish your soul, fill you with hope, and bring you ever closer to the One who never leaves your side.
"The Envy of Eve will help us to understand how desires grow into covetousness and what happens when this sin takes power in our hearts. Covetousness chokes out the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, allowing discontentment to bloom. the key to overcoming is to get to the root of our problem: unbelief- a mistrust of God's sovereignty and goodness."
Mary Werner has produced a delightful daily devotional made up of quotations selected from the last twenty centuries of Christian experience. These allow us, as 21st century readers, to benefit from the wealth of wisdom of past pilgrims on the road to enlightenment.
In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it- a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ's presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it.
The MacArthur Bible Commentary treats every passage of the Olda nd New Testaments phrase by phrase, with hundreds of word studies as sidebars throughout. It offers a broad overview of each Bible book and the internal consistency that results from having a single commentator.
The story of Christian and his companions has been a favourite for generations. John Bunyan’s imaginative text brings out the same, practical, necessary lessons that everyone needs to know – both today and yesterday. Additional features and study sections have been included to help today’s generation of children to understand the book. These will help you to get behind some…
In this biblical and practical exploration of divine guidance, you'll find solid foundations for understanding how and why God guides his people. Discover the role of Scripture, discernment, wisdom, the counsel of others, and the Holy Spirit in helping you discover God's will.
"Furman has a disarming way of connecting the most concrete stuff of our lives to the most glorious truth of the gospel. She's doing it again here, as she peers into the realities of pregnancy and childbirth through the windows of Scripture." Kathleen Nielson
"Packer is here in fine form, 'packing' a lot into unpacking the three formulas that have historically been central in making disciples: the Apostles' Creed, Lord's Prayer, and Ten Commandments." Kevin J. Vanhoozer
"Worship matters. It matters to God because he is the one ultimately worthy of all worship. It matters to us because worshipping God is the reason for which we were created. And it matters to every wrship leader, because we have no greater privilege than leading others to encounter the greatness of God. That's why it's so important to think…
"Whether you are a new Christian or just want to brush up on some of the basic truths of Scripture, this book will give you confidence in the power of God's Word to transform your life...and show you that the Bible does make a difference. This book includes a Bible reading plan, a new preface, and helpful tools and resources…
"In The Lord's Prayer, Kevin DeYoung examines Christ's model for prayer word by word, giving you a deeper understanding of its meaning and how it works in the lives of God's people. This practical resource will help you gain the conviction and confidence to develop a stronger prayer life." (From the Back Cover)
"These are the stories of five ordinary women-Sarah Edwards, Lilias Trotter, Gladys Aylward, Esther Ahn Kim, and Helen Roseveare-who trusted in their extraordinary God as he led them to do great things for his kingdom....Learning about these women will challenge readers to make a difference for Christ in their families, in the church, and around the world." (From the Back…
"Through in-depth biblical analysis and inspiring examples from church history, Steven J. Lawson paints a picture of God's glory magnified through faithful preaching, reclaiming the high ground of biblical preaching for the next generation." (From the Back Cover)
"In this thoroughly revised and updated edition of If There's a God, Why are There Atheists?, R.C. Sproul examines the arguments of four prominent atheists: Freud, Marx, Feuerbach, and Nietzsche. Engaging with these thinkers' works on a psychological as well as theological basis, Sproul shows that there are as many psychological and sociological explanations for unbelief as for belief- and that…
"Complete with questions for review and thoughts for reflection at the end of each section, this thorough, insightful, yet concise study on the important and controversial subject of women in the church will serve as an excellent resource for personal or group study." (Back Cover)
"Social justice is one of the most devious and destructive movements the Church has faced in the last hundred years. Voddie Baucham, like a capable doctore, diagnoses the problem and in a skillful manner directs his readers to the biblical solution." -Josh Buice
These are Spurgeon's prayers taken down as he prayed them. You can learn a lot about how to pray by studying their structure and content. Each short prayer shows you the knowledge of the Bible he had and his understanding of human needs. -From the Back Cover
"Worship can mean many things to many people. Even the church cannot seem to agree on how worship should look....Yet while we often take our cues from pop culture or church history, the true nature of worship is found in God's Word." (Back Cover)
"This is a book for those of us who are ready to take holiness seriously, ready to be more like Jesus, ready to live in light of the grace that produces godliness. This is a book about God's power to help us grow in personal holiness and to enjoy the process of transformation." (From the Back Cover)
"Because we were created in the image of God, to understand who we are, we need to understand who God is and allow His character and nature to be reflected through us. We are here to serve and adore Him, and we can only fulfill that role by acknowledging who He is. The is the essence of the Christian life…
"[Sproul] carefully explores the relationship between original sin and human free will, clarifies misconceptions about the work of God in a believer's liberation from sin, illuminates the work of the Holy Spirit in salvation, and offers compelling reasons to believe the work of salvation is in God's hands." (From the Back Cover)
"First published nearly thirty years ago, this book on the theme of hliness has become a modern classic of Christian devotion. J.I. Packer was a master of spiritual theology, and his enduring wisdome shines through in this treasured volume." Timothy George
"These Advent devotions from the pen of John Piper may be brief, but you will find in them the depth and richness of thought that Piper is well-known for. With a sense of joyful reverence, he holds us by the hand and takes us into the inner sanctuary of the incarnation." -Conrad Mbewe
"In Joseph and the Gospel of Many Colors, Voddie Baucham shows us the crucial role that the story of Joseph plays in redemptive histoyr. Engaging and thoughtful, this book will help you read the Bible from a Christ'centered perspective and revitalize your love for God-the true hero of history." (From the Back Cover)
"In this book, pastor John MacArthur takes us through the pages of Scripture, exploring the wonders of heaven and the truth about angels and eternal life while addressing current debates and issues....an in-depth look at every Christian's future-heaven, our eternal home." (from the back cover)
"Here John turns to our greates spiritual mentor, Jesus Christ, as he takes an intimate, in-depth look at the Lord's Prayer. filled with fresh insights and practical tools for growth, Alone with God will help you rediscover the power and passion found in time spent with God." (from the back cover)
"With captivating stories - beginning with his son's cancer diagnosis - Costi unpacks our questions about God's healing power and explains how to: -Pray for healing while submitting to God's sovereignty -Navigate tough conversations about suffering -Hold on to faith even in the most painful trials (From the Back Cover)
"On Asking God Why offers honest insights into many of today's most prevalent heartaches, including sickness and death, family issues and loneliness, aging and hopelessness. Chapter by chapter, this insightful book will remind you that God invites his children to lay ur questions before him-because in him we will find every answer we need." (from the back cover)
"This book will help you understand what the Bible says about itself and encourage you to read and believe what it says-confident that it truly is God's Word" (from the back cover)
"Pastoral leaders and those looking to engage more deeply with God's Word will appreciate the writings of this man whose practical wisdom and shrewd observations reinforce his significance in Christian thought and apologetics." (From the cover)
"The Lord doesn't place us on the team just so we can sit on the bench. He intends to send us into the game. It is grace that calls us to salvation, and it is His will that sends us into the world to witness for Him." John MacArthur
"The Lord Jesus hears every prayer that is prayed to Him in earnest. The least prayer of a little child on earth is loud enough to be heard clearly in heaven above." J.C. Ryle
"Reader, whoever you may be, I exhort you never to be satisfied with anything short of a full assurance of your own salvation. With faith, no doubt, you must begin, -with simple, child-like faith: 'Belive on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.' But from faith go on to assurance. Rest not till you can say, "I know…
"Personally, I also bear witness that it has been to me, in seasons of great pain, superlatively comfortable to know that in every pang which racks his people the Lord Jesus has a fellow-feeling. We are not alone, for one like unto the Son of man walks the furnace with us."- Charles H. Spurgeon