On Genesis by Augustine


“No other part of the Hebrew Scriptures, aside from the Psalter and sections of the prophet Isaiah, captured the interest and aroused the attention of the early Church as did the opening chapters of the Book of Genesis. Augstine of Hippo, the early Latin Church’s profoundest scholar, devoted three treatises to these chapters. The first two…are early works. The third and lognest…was produced at the height of Augustine’s maturity and has been ranked with his Confessions, The Trinity, and The City of God.” (From the Back Cover)

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On Genesis by Augustine. “A New Translation by Edmund Hill, O.P. of On Geneis: A Refutation of the Manichees, Unfinished Literal Commentary on Genesis, The Literal Meaning of Genesis. New paperback copy

Additional information

Weight 1.75 lbs
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in


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