In this book, Simonetta Carr informs us how young Charles learned to look to Christ alone for salvation and how he never tired of pointing others to his Savior. See how God used this young country boy to preach to thousands, provide training for pastors, start orphanages, and stand against those who denied basic teachings of the Bible.
These are Spurgeon's prayers taken down as he prayed them. You can learn a lot about how to pray by studying their structure and content. Each short prayer shows you the knowledge of the Bible he had and his understanding of human needs. -From the Back Cover
"Personally, I also bear witness that it has been to me, in seasons of great pain, superlatively comfortable to know that in every pang which racks his people the Lord Jesus has a fellow-feeling. We are not alone, for one like unto the Son of man walks the furnace with us."- Charles H. Spurgeon