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Christ and His Threefold Office by John Flavel
- $19.00
- Flavel explores the glory of Christ becoming a man "to qualify and prepare Him for a full discharge of His mediatorship, in the office of our Prophet, Priest, and King."
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- All New Books, Christian, Christian Living, Theology
A Treatise on Earthly-Mindedness by Jeremiah Burroughs
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- In this important work, Burroughs shows from Scripture the great sin of thinking as the world thinks rather than thinking God's thoughts after Him. Then, realizing that right conduct is the result of right thinking, Burroughs gives us more gems in the two bonus treatises offered here, A Heavenly Conversation and Walking with God.
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- $10 and Under, $10 Bin, All New Books, Christian, Christian Living
Contentment, Prosperity, and God’s Glory by Jeremiah Burroughs
- $8.00
- On the surface, it seems unnecssary to instruct someone to be content in times of prosperrity. However, times of prosperity and abundance provide some of the strongest temptations to pull our hearts away from God. Jeremiah Burroughs was keenly aware that the riches of this world compete for our affections and challenge our contentment in Christ.
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- $10 and Under, $10 Bin, All New Books, Christian, Christian Living
The blessed and Boundless God by George Swinnock
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- Read this book prayerfully, thoughtfully, and expectantly, keeping in mind Swinnock's simple conviction that "when we take the incomparable God as our God, we are incomparably blessed."
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- $10 and Under, $10 Bin, All New Books, Christian, Christian Living
The Cure for Unjust Anger by John Downame
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- Downame writes as a skilled practitioner who has assembled a comprehensive moral and spiritual pharmacy for treating sin-sick souls.
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The Fading of the Flesh and the Flourishing of Faith
- $13.00
- In this book, George Swinnock presents modern readers with valuable food for thought as he expounds Psalm 73:25, "My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever." Swinnock combines careful explanation with vivid illustration to reveal the futility of earthly comforts and highlight the inestimable comfort, satisfaction, and joy afforded…
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- $10 and Under, $10 Bin, All New Books, Christian, Christian Living
Faith Seeking Assurance by Anthony Burgess
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- In this book, Anthony Burgess shows that Christians not only can come to an assurance of their salvation but should pursue it. Burgess provides helpful advice for avoiding a presumptuous spirit while developing a humble confidence in grace.
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Rules for Walking in Fellowship by John Owen
- $12.00
- In Rules for Walking in Fellowship, John Owen supplies struggling congregations with biblical guidelines fo rmaking church life in the present a foretaste of heavenly fellowship to come.
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- $10 and Under, $10 Bin, All New Books, Christian, Christian Living
Triumphing Over Sinful Fear by John Flavel
- $13.25
- This practical book will help you avoid making excuses for sinful fear and encourage you to trust in Christ's commitment to settle His people's feeble and trembling hearts.
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- All New Books, Biographies, Children's Books, Children's Books, Christian
Christian Biographies for Young Readers: John Owen
- $15.00
- Full of illustrations and fascinating information, this is an ideal way for young readers to learn history.
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