It contains a full copy of the student text as well as answer keys and teacher's notes with additional factual information to expand upon the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the text.
Included in this Teacher's Edition are a full copy of the student text, answer keys, and teacher's notes with additional factual information to expand upon the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the text....God's Great Covenant, New Testament 1 teaches the gospels to students in fourth grade and up using stories, worksheets, memory verses, quizzes, and a little…
The 196 readings in this study are designed to be done orally. They can be used with students as young as first grade (though you may have to break the Scripture reading into smaller segments). They can also be used as a daily family devotional with students through grade twelve.
This elementary-level science curriculum uses the Charlotte Mason methodology to give elementary school students an introduction to the incredible world of plants....As you might expect from a book that uses the Charlotte Mason approach, the student notebook is emphasized in every lesson....Notebook assignments include collecting plants from the categories that are being studied, labeling the parts of a flower, making…
"How Should We View Our Children in the Church, by Joel Beeke, is a brief and concise exposition of a paedobaptist and Reformed perspectiv eof children and the covenant." - Derek W. H. Thomas
From pulpits to paintings, the labor of monks to the martyrdom of missionaries, this book is an essential introduction to the story of Christianity. It's a story that tells us what God is accomplishing in our world, as each object offers us a tangible link between the present and the past.
This fast-paced, hands-on inductive study takes you into God's Word to find out HIs awesome plans for the future! Perfect for Sunday school, Bible classes, homeschooling, and individual study.
Jonathan Edwards - widely considered one the most important theologians in American history - has influenced generation after generation with his transcendent vision of our great and glorious God. But reading his writings for the first time can be a daunting task. Here to be your trustworthy guides ares some of the very best interpreters of Edwards, who walk you…
Here are theological reflections and real stories from women from across the world who are eagerly sharing the good news of Jesus wherever God has placed them- showing us just how possible it is to follow Jesus' call to evangelism in our ordinary, everyday lives.
Exploring how the sixteenth-century Reformation was a return to the gospel joy originally preached to first-century Galatia, this book was written to help today's Christians rediscover the path to true freedom and lasting joy in Jesus.
Advent is for adoring Jesus These 25 brief devotional readings from John Piper begin on December 1 and carry us to Christmas Day. Our prayer is that God would use these readings to deepen and sweeten your adoration of jesus this December and keep his as the center and greatest treasure of your Christmas season.