Simonetta Carr traces the events of Edwards's life from a young student interested in science to husband and father, pastor, leader of the Great Awakening, missionary, writer, and college president. Colorful illustrations, interesting facts, and a compelling story combine to introduce young readers to this important theologian and life in colonial America.
Simonetta Carr tells the story of how this great Reformer, whose life began humbly in a faraway, mysterious part of the world, influenced the chruch and its beliefs far beyond the borders of Scotland, shaping our thinking still today.
Irenaeus is remembered for his work in helping the church to preserve the faith handed on by the apostles and to defend it when it was attacked. In this simply written and beautifully illustrated book, Simonetta Carr shows young readers the difficulties the early chruch faced and how Irenaeus taught Christians to discern truth from error by listening to the…
John Newton's life was full of adventure, danger, travels, exotic places, and romance. Young readers will encounter each of these things in Simonetta Carr's carefully narrated and charmingly illustrated book....In spite of Newton's rebellion and sin, God's grace finally won- a grace that Newton recognized as amazing, invincible, and completely undeserved.
In this book, Simonetta Carr introduces young readers to the life and ministry of Augustine. Readers will come to know Augustine's personal struggles and the high value he came to place on the Bible and truth. Readers will also see the difficult days in which Augustine lived, learning about his disputes with false teachers and the trbulent times during the…
A complext and fascinating character, Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria, is best remembered as the Father of Orthodoxy, upholding the doctrine of the Trinity against the Arian heresy....Beautiful illustrations and a winsome, ismply written narrative will bring the Nicene Creed to life for children of all ages, prompting relevant discussions on the divinity of Christ and the importance of creeds and…
Church History is a fascinating guide that shows young readers (and even not-so-young readers) how God has preserved His chruch from AD 30 to the beginning of the twenty-first century....Maps, time lines, and colorful pictures on every page shows you the important people, places, and events of church history.
Five Books. One about each of the following: Charles Spurgeon: Prince of Preachers; George Whitefield: Voice That Woke the World; John Stott: The Humble Leader; Jonathan Edwards: America's Genius; Martin Lloyd-Jones: From Wales to Westminster
This Bible reading plan for children ages 6-12 guides them through the life of Christ over the course of a year, teaching kids what Scripture says about Jesus. Each weekly entry includes: daily Bible readings, a memory verse, prayer points, discussion questions, and space for sermon notes and reflections.
With God's trail map, the Bible, you'll set out on a wagon train to uncover lessons like the ones Abraham learned when he left his home and moved to an unknown land. Abraham's adventures, along with mazes, crosswords, and other puzzles, will help you grow in listening to God and trusting His guidance even when the road gets bumpy.
An 8-week workbook for withstanding the greatest pressure young women have ever faced...Learn how to protect yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually- and how to get your need for love met in positive, healthy ways that leave you truly satisfied- with the Every Young Woman's Battle Workbook.
Make 50 amazing contraptions that spin, fling, collide, and whiz! Put science to work - Explore the hows and whys - Think like an inventor - Meet inventors
Are you frazzled by fractions? Mystified by multiplication? Is the thought of your next math test scarier than an evil clown? Exhale...Math Hacks can help! Look inside for lots of friendly advice to help you relax into study mode and become BFFs with some of the math concepts that kids in grades 3-6 most often struggle with.
The possibilities for coding projects are limitless, so use these pages to get inspired, jot down ideas, doodle, play coding games, and more. let your imagination run wild- you just might come up with the most awesome coding project ever!
You'll find irresistible ideas such as film festivals, goofy golf, neighborhood circuses, instant parties, stealth love notes, ugly bug pageants, family websites, and pinata planets- along with fun twists on familiar pastimes. All you have to supply is a little of your time...and lots of love!
Jackie Wellwood's hope is that the words of reassurance, understanding, and compassion you'll find in these pages will strengthen your spirit as you walk with the Savior.
A family or class trip to the zoo becomes an unforgettable learning adventure with this unique, evolution-free guid to the incredible world of animals!
Inside you'll do everything a scientist does: look, ask questions, wonder and test your ideas. You'll also do things scientists don't necessarily do: eat your experiments, levitate paper clips and play a drinking straw like an oboe.
Hide It in Your Heart, the fourth in the Let's Maek a Memory series, is packed with hands-on, loads-of-fun, meaningful activities that make God's Word come alive for the whole family.
Award-winning author Bill Freeman continues his popular series of boooks for young people aged 9 to 13 with this exciting tale of shipwreck and fishing on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland in the 1870s.