For over thirty years, J.I. Packer's classic has revealed to over a million Christians around the world the wonder, the glory and the joy of knowing God. Now more than ever, next to Scripture, this could be the most significant book you will read this year...or next.
John Flavel shows Christ as the fountain of true joy, secured for His people by His humiliation and exaltation. By humiliation, Flavel means the incarnation- Christ's birth, ministry, and death; by exaltation, he means the four stages of resurrection, ascension, intercession, and return in judgment.
Flavel explores the glory of Christ becoming a man "to qualify and prepare Him for a full discharge of His mediatorship, in the office of our Prophet, Priest, and King."
In this important work, Burroughs shows from Scripture the great sin of thinking as the world thinks rather than thinking God's thoughts after Him. Then, realizing that right conduct is the result of right thinking, Burroughs gives us more gems in the two bonus treatises offered here, A Heavenly Conversation and Walking with God.