"How Should We View Our Children in the Church, by Joel Beeke, is a brief and concise exposition of a paedobaptist and Reformed perspectiv eof children and the covenant." - Derek W. H. Thomas
A Longing for Holiness: Selected Writings of John Wesley presents excerpts from the hugely influential eighteenth-century preacher, writer, and founder of Methodism. This volume includes selections from Wesley's journals, sermons, and books, giving a clear picture not only of Wesley but of the spiritual vitality that ignited a movement and continues to transform lives today.
Here are theological reflections and real stories from women from across the world who are eagerly sharing the good news of Jesus wherever God has placed them- showing us just how possible it is to follow Jesus' call to evangelism in our ordinary, everyday lives.
Exploring how the sixteenth-century Reformation was a return to the gospel joy originally preached to first-century Galatia, this book was written to help today's Christians rediscover the path to true freedom and lasting joy in Jesus.
Advent is for adoring Jesus These 25 brief devotional readings from John Piper begin on December 1 and carry us to Christmas Day. Our prayer is that God would use these readings to deepen and sweeten your adoration of jesus this December and keep his as the center and greatest treasure of your Christmas season.
This small but important book shows how genuine biblical Reformed piety is both covenantally based and experientially lived. Piety, covenant, and experience are all interrelated in genuine and vital Christianity, and all point to Jesus Christ as the head of the covenant and the focal point of true Christian experience.
Most theories of the atonement are concerned only with its manward aspect but as Dr Lloyd-Jones demonstrates in this exposition of Romans 3:25-26, the cross was above everything else a vindication of the character of God....This exposition is taken from the third volume of Dr Lloyd-Jones' series on the Epistle to the Romans.
"It is a persuasive presentation of the unchanging gospel which has brought salvation to people all over the world for more than two millenia. It remains just as vitally relevant tday as it has done at any point in history."