In this first-class, highly readable book, geologist John D. Morris (president of the Institute for Creation Research) explores not only the rocks themselves, but also the "layers" of philosophical thougth that today tend to obscure observable facts in nature.
This book opens a window to the spectacular environments found on our planet, from deserts to the tropics. Researcher and biologist Dr. Gary Parker brings his vast knowledge of ecology to a teaching setting, exploring and explaining ecosystems, population growth, habitats, adaptations, energy problems, and much more.
These are the painters who backpacked into the wilderness to paint the country that they loved. They were called crazy because they painted in a way no Canadian ever had. They changed forever the way Canadians see their country.
The 196 readings in this study are designed to be done orally. They can be used with students as young as first grade (though you may have to break the Scripture reading into smaller segments). They can also be used as a daily family devotional with students through grade twelve.
This elementary-level science curriculum uses the Charlotte Mason methodology to give elementary school students an introduction to the incredible world of plants....As you might expect from a book that uses the Charlotte Mason approach, the student notebook is emphasized in every lesson....Notebook assignments include collecting plants from the categories that are being studied, labeling the parts of a flower, making…
"The biographies in this volume show the continuity between the Renaissance and the Reformation. The revival of learning which characterized the Renaissance led directly to the recovery of the tools and texts that the Reformers used to place the Bible in the language (and hands) of the people. It is an old saw, but true, that "Erasmus laid the egg…