"Next to the Bible in importance, the works of Jewish historian Flavius Josephus are the most authoritative ancient source for illuminating first-century people, places, and events....Dr. Maier provides helpful commentary throughout to clarify the historical and hronological issues raised by Josephus." (From the back cover)
"This book will help you understand what the Bible says about itself and encourage you to read and believe what it says-confident that it truly is God's Word" (from the back cover)
"Pastoral leaders and those looking to engage more deeply with God's Word will appreciate the writings of this man whose practical wisdom and shrewd observations reinforce his significance in Christian thought and apologetics." (From the cover)
"Sproul shows the reader that a self-creating universe is a self-contradiction. Every Christian who wants to make an effective defense for his or her faith should read this book." Steven B. Cowan (from the backcover)
"This edition provides a valuable overview of the Institutes as a whole, thus making them more amenable to a wider range of readers....Many will find [this abridged version] to be an exciting and balanced introduction to the doctrines of grace." H. Uprichard, Banner of Truth (from the backcover)
"In Faith Alone, R.C. Sproul clearly explains the doctrine of salvation, including why Protestantism and Roman Catholicism split over justification in the first place and why that division remains an uncrossed chasm." (from the back cover)
From Intervarsity's website describing this book "...explore how God works through imperfect characters such as Jonah, Martha, and Peter. God loves, redeems, and restores misfits, outsiders, and failures."
"The Lord doesn't place us on the team just so we can sit on the bench. He intends to send us into the game. It is grace that calls us to salvation, and it is His will that sends us into the world to witness for Him." John MacArthur
"The Lord Jesus hears every prayer that is prayed to Him in earnest. The least prayer of a little child on earth is loud enough to be heard clearly in heaven above." J.C. Ryle
"Before the dawn of time God made a plan...a plan to love and a plan to save and a plan that would get the world ready for the greatest rescue ever made."
"Reader, whoever you may be, I exhort you never to be satisfied with anything short of a full assurance of your own salvation. With faith, no doubt, you must begin, -with simple, child-like faith: 'Belive on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.' But from faith go on to assurance. Rest not till you can say, "I know…
"Personally, I also bear witness that it has been to me, in seasons of great pain, superlatively comfortable to know that in every pang which racks his people the Lord Jesus has a fellow-feeling. We are not alone, for one like unto the Son of man walks the furnace with us."- Charles H. Spurgeon